Assembly Language


.686P use certain microprocesser
.model storage medol pseudoinstruction
ExitProcess Windows API, relying on includelib, using stdcall
.data .stack .code data segment definition pseudoinstruction


universal registers

register name use
eax accumulator
ebx base address
ecx counter
edx data
esi source index
edi destination index
esp stack top pointer
ebp base address pointer

the value of esp will be updated automatically when executepush pop ret
all of these registers are 32bits
ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, sp, bp are 16bits
we also have ah, bh, ch, dh and al, bl, cl, dl

flag registers

register name use
SF sign flag
ZF zero flag
OF overflow flag
CF carry flag
AF auxiliary carry flag
PF parity flag

IP/EIP/RIP: storage effective address(EA)

