CMU CS 15-150: Functional Programming


Introducing functional programming

tail recursion

fun sum [ ] = 0
 | sum (x::L) = x + sum(L)

 fun sum’ ([ ], a) = a
 | sum’ (x::L, a) = sum’ (L, x+a)

ML syntax

  • Types
  • Expressions
  • Declarations
  • Patterns


Expressions (and declarations) in ML must be well-typed, and the rules for types are syntax-directed; only well-typed expressions can be evaluated.

t ::= int
 | real
 | bool
 | t1 * t2 * … * tk
 | t1 -> t2
 | t1 list

The infix “cons” operator :: combines a value and a list of values. For example, 1::[2,3]=[1,2,3].

We will write =>* for “evaluates in a finite number of steps to”.


The lines of form (* ... *) are comments and serve solely to document the intended type and specification of the function.

fun sum [ ] = 0
| sum(x::L)=x+(sumL)

Referential transparency is the property that:
Replacing a sub-expression by an “equivalent” sub-expression produces an “equivalent” expression.


Work & Span

Functions as values, Composition

(f o g)(x) = f(g x)

Higher-order functions

fun map f [ ] = [ ]
| map f (x::R) = (f x) :: (map f R)

map : (’a -> ’b) -> (’a list -> ’b list)
map f [x1, ..., xn] = [f x1, ..., f xn]


For a function f with “multiple arguments” there is a corresponding function F of the “first” argument, that returns a function of the “remaining” arguments…

留下一句结语吧:这门课就这样仓促的结束了。充实,但更是空虚,因为我不知道我做的一切是否真的有意义。希望来世能体验体验 CMU 的生活,踏踏实实地学好一门课吧。